Notice and Takedown

Takedown and Notification

Such as (mobile) websites and (mobile) applications, hereinafter referred to as "Edition," published content that is published via a Publication, including text, photos, videos, and computer software, regardless of whether it is editorial or commercial in nature, is automatically referred to as "Content." If you believe that Content published by a User to, referred to as "User Content," is clearly unlawful or punishable, please notify us at Make it a point to include the following information:

  • your name, email address, and phone number;
  • which Content is involved, including the exact URL of the page on which the Content in question is published;
  • why this Content should be removed, and your relationship to this Content (if applicable);
  • whether there is an urgent interest;
  • and any other relevant information.
  • This procedure does not confer any rights. As a result of a report, will decide whether or not the relevant User Content will be removed, or if other measures will be taken.