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Fopo was founded by Frank. The company is dedicated to developing intelligent multi-screen, multi-tasking and multi-operations products and solutions for every professional. Through technological innovation, champions the idea of ​​creating a work environment that encourages inclusion, flexibility, and exploration to help professionals thrive in the workplace. Dual Screen Immersive Experience: It can increase work efficiency by 50% and bring more creative inspiration. HD 1080P Big Screen: With 1080P resolution and up to 15 inches in size, you can get a great visual experience and play games while you work .Patented Stand: Equipped with a retractable stand on the back, it helps stabilize the monitor and also greatly improves portability. Rotating Screen: The screen can be adjusted to work in different scenarios, such as board meetings, and to help people and companies achieve business success
We currently have 0 Coupon codes or offers that are valid in Fopo until 02 Dec 2024 in USA This page is updated daily..
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