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H&M, which stands for Hennes & Mauritz, is a Swedish multinational clothing retail company known for its fast-fashion clothing for men, women, teenagers, and children. The first store, called Hennes, exclusively sold womens clothing.In 1968, the company acquired the hunting and fishing equipment retailer Mauritz Widforss, leading to the inclusion of mens and childrens clothing in their product range.H&M is renowned for its fast-fashion business model, emphasizing the rapid turnover of trendy and affordable clothing.The company produces a large volume of styles quickly and makes them available to customers at relatively low prices. H&M offers a wide range of clothing and accessories, including dresses, tops, bottoms, outerwear, and More.The Company is also known for collaborating with designers and celebrities to create limited-edition collections. In recent years, H&M has made efforts to improve its sustainability practices.The company has committed to using more sustainable and environmentally friendly materials and has launched initiatives to promote recycling and reduce waste. H&M has a strong online presence, allowing customers to shop for its products through its website and mobile apps.
We currently have 0 Coupon codes or offers that are valid in H&M Saudi Arabia until 02 Dec 2024 in This page is updated daily..
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